Artwork by Tam Izzett
She's still not tall enough
In stiletto shoes
Maybe that's her way
Of trying to reach you
She's still not tall enough
In stiletto heels
Baby, she looks at you
Like you're her next meal
Honey, you may have been
Once upon a time a queen
Now you're the joker card
You're just a broken heart
And he plays you with ease
Abdicate your throne
Abdicate your throne
Leave your heels at home
Leave the damn boy alone
Leave him alone
I understand I truly do
He's had the same pull on me too
He's left the paintbrushes behind
And left the roses white
We always want we can't have
And now it's gone you want it back
But he wants nothing to do with you
Move on and buy sensible shoes
Abdicate your throne
Abdicate your throne
Leave your heels at home
Leave the damn boy alone
Leave him alone
Make like a harlot and get off
This ride has reached its final stop
Make like a harlot and fuck off
Abdicate your throne
Abdicate your throne
Leave your heels at home
Leave the damn boy alone
Leave him alone
Oh, leave him alone
Oh, leave him alone, alone
Oh, leave him alone